Research projects
Researcher involvement from USI, IRSPUM, CR-CHUM, CR-HMR and CR-HSJ research centers
Research projects
- Needs assessment within populations: Database from WHO (World Health Survey)
Dr. Ellen Freeman, Dr. Maria Victoria Zunzunegui, Dr. Slim Haddad and Dr. Marie-Josée Aubin
To read recent work, visit
- Research on the impact and post-training professional integration of ophthalmic nurses in Oceania (Papua New Guinea and Pacific Islands & Territories).
Project led by Dr. Benoît Tousignant (School of Optometry) in collaboration with the Fred Hollows Foundation of New Zealand (FHFNZ).
Photos: Foundation Fred Hollows
Articles and abstracts:
- Prévalence de pathologie oculaire et de déficience visuelle à Saint-Louis, Sénégal. Tousignant B, Brûlé J. Med Sante Trop. June 2021
- Prevalence and risk factors for near and far visual difficulty in Burkina Faso. Freeman EE, Zunzunegui MV, Kouanda S, Aubin MJ, Popescu ML, Miszkurka M, Cojocaru D, Haddad S. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2010; 17(5):301-6.
- Eye Care Utilization by Older Adults in Low, Middle, and High Income Countries. Vela C, Samson E, Zunzunegui MV, Haddad S, Aubin MJ, Freeman EE. BMC Ophthalmol. 2012; Apr 3;12(1):5. [Epub ahead of print]
- The global burden of visual difficulty in low, middle, and high income countries. Freeman EE, Roy-Gagnon MH, Samson E, Haddad S, Aubin MJ, Vela C, Zunzunegui MV. PLoS One. 2013 May 10;8(5):r63315.
- Visual difficulty and employment status in the world. Harrabi H, Aubin MJ, Zunzunegui MV, Haddad S, Freeman EE. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 7;9(2):e88306.
- Étude sur les barrières de l’accès aux soins visuels en Chili. Barriers to eye care services in Chile. Aubin MJ, Dineen B, Zunzunegui MV.
- Factors Associated with Visual Impairment and Eye Care Access: The International Mobility in Aging Study. Belegamire S, Aubin MJ, Curcio CL, Alvarado B, Guerra RO, Ylli A, Deshpande N, Zunzunegui MV. J Aging Health, 2017 Jun 1.
- Recherche épidémiologique ophtalmique en Haïti avec Dr Tousignant, en collaboration avec IRIS Mundial et la Société haïtienne d’ophtalmologie. 2 études transversales 1) à Miragôane, et 2) Île de la Gonaïve. poster 1, poster 2, abrégé 1, abrégé 2
- Frequency of glaucoma suspect in Haiti: A pilot study. Cadet N, Zukor H, Buruian M, Doyon C, Harasymowycz, P.
Ongoing research
- Performance of a photoscreener for vision screening in a pediatric haitian population (POPH): dépistage de maladies oculaires chez la population pédiatrique en Haiti.